The Five Stinkiest Fruits

Chances are you may have no idea what the most stinkiest fruits are in the world. If you like to travel, you may have been close enough to get a whiff of them in Indonesia, Thailand, India, Hawaii or other tropical places. These tropical fruits stink so bad when ripe that people react to them as if they’ve […]

You Can Eat a Sprouted Coconut

Coconuts are the symbol of the tropics. Just put a coconut tree on a little mound of sand and a deserted, tropical island comes to mind.  I’d be happy on a deserted island and might not even wave down a ship if there were plenty of coconuts to eat. If I had to pick only […]

Eating a Durian

Having durian tropical fruit trees has been quite a trip. I have often been astonished at the behavior of what has come to be called a “durian addict.” If you can imagine someone actually being addicted to fruit. Over the years, we have had many encounters with durian addicts. They would rip a durian apart […]

The Horned Melon in Hawaii

I was in our local natural food store in the refrigerator section when I first saw this spiky yellow orb. As I was turning it over in my hands, the produce manager came up to me and told me that it was a horned melon from Africa. She said I should try planting some of […]

Cecropia Fruit Jam

About seven years ago, I was in Miami for the Dale Chihuly night art exhibit at the Fairchild Tropical Botanical Garden. It was thrilling beyond words. The blown glass artwork set in and around the gardens illuminated by natural and artificial light was astonishing and magical. We walked through the tropical fruit tree greenhouse and […]