Soft Meat Coconut Salad

Even though I live on a farm with over 80 varieties of tropical fruit, coconut is one of my favorites because it is the most versatile. There are just so many ways to enjoy coconut and so many stages of a coconut to enjoy. There are six different ways to enjoy coconuts, the stages are: […]

Bread & Butter Pickle Recipe

Cucumbers are a rewarding crop to grow. I grow them every year. They also grow very fast and soon you’ll discover that you can’t eat them fast enough. I usually make a brine and keep adding cucumbers as they come, but sometimes I get the hankering from some good old-fashioned bread & butter pickles – […]

Collecting Wood Ear (Pepeiao) Mushrooms in Hawaii

I have always been interested in mushrooms. I often go on scouting missions in the jungle or areas around my farm, on the eastern sideĀ of the Big Island. There are a few edible mushrooms in Hawaii and I have been only able to find a few of them. One which is most plentiful is called […]

Hand Pollinating Atemoya Fruit Trees

Get out your paintbrushes because it’s May and now is the time to start hand pollinating atemoya trees. We have about 60 trees on the farm but if you’ve got just one or two, you can enhance fruit-setting by learning how to pollinate them yourself. The nitidulid beetle, which is the insect pollinator, can be […]